I think I may have gotten a touch of food poisoning last night. Kevin had to leave at 7pm to go do some work, so it was just me and Ty. I had been feeling very nauseated ever since dinner (which was only 1/2 grilled cheese sandwich and a small bowl of cereal). All of a sudden I really felt like I was going to throw up. Tyler was watching TV when I dashed into the bathroom.
It didn’t take long before he heard me puking and ran in to the bathroom. “mommy, what’s that noise you’re making?” I told him I was throwing up. So he asks me “are you done?” “bleechhh…” I said, retching again. “…not yet honey”. “bleechhh….” “are you done now?”. “not yet honey….bleechhhh” “now?” “almost….bleechhh….” you get the picture…. 🙂
Then when we went up to bed, I was walking behind him. He stopped on the threshold of his bedroom door, turns around, and tells me very seriously, “mommy, don’t throw up in my bedroom”. I told him I would try my hardest not too. 🙂