Tyler has become verbal enough that he has developed some “catch-phrases” that he likes to use. For example “this is the best [whatever] I ever had!” or “this is the most [whatever] in the whole.. wide.. world!” I would love to catch some of these on video, because part of what makes them so cute and funny is the inflections he uses when he says it.
One of them that I did get on film was him doing something that didn’t go right, and him saying “well, that didn’t work!”. Anytime something wouldn’t happen the way he meant it to, that’s what he would say. I did catch that one on video, and will post it when I have a chance.
Some other ones:
“oh, I’ve got a great idea!”
calling things “machinery” (as in “mommy, did you put my blanket in the wash machinery?”)
“do you remember that…”
“oh, waaaait a minute!”‘
“oh. right.”
“whoa! this is great!“
“stay right there… I’ll be riiiiiight back!”
“I got a bleed!” (when he has a cut or other small scratch”
“yeah. sure.”