I’ve discovered something about 2 1/2 year olds. There is no reasoning with them, no logic that they understand. Arguing with a toddler is oddly reminiscent of arguing with a drunk. It leaves you both upset, frustrated, and you feeling like you could use a drink yourself.
I can’t count the number of times I have been ready to beat my head against the wall because he will angrily protest that he doesn’t want something, then protest even louder when I don’t give him what he just told me he didn’t want. Sometimes, even though I know better,I can’t stop myself from responding “but you just told me didn’t want it”, which inevitably elicits a new round of wailing and “no I didn’t say that!”. Then if I am really being stupid we launch into a cycle of “yes you did” “no I didn’t” and it’s all just downhill from there. 🙂 Thankfully, I have been working hard on my patience and on biting my tongue, so we don’t go down those roads… Man some days toddlers are exhausting….