Woo-hoo Babysitter!

Our neighbor Linda offered again to baby sit Tyler if we ever wanted to go out.  We decided it was finally time to give it a try.  I was so excited, mainly at the thought of going out to eat at a restaurant and not having little hands grabbing food off my plate, dropping anything and everything on the floor, crawling over top of me to get to the salt shaker, etc…

Linda came over last Saturday for a test run.  We weren’t sure what Tyler would think of us leaving, so we didn’t plan anything big.  We decided to just go to the Willows, so if things didn’t go well we could just bring our dinner home with us.  When Linda came over, Tyler was so excited to show her all of our toys, I don’t think he really realized that we were leaving (although we made sure that we told him that we were).  Linda said that about 10 minutes after we left, he looked around and said “where’s mommy and daddy?”.  She told him we went to get some dinner and he basically said “oh, ok” and went back to playing!

So this week we decided to try for dinner at the Outback.  Again, Tyler was so excited when Linda came over, and really didn’t seem to care that we were leaving!  Yay, we have a babysitter!!! 🙂

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