Kevin picked up Ty last night because I had to work late. When I got home, Kevin was standing outside the kitchen door, so I went in the kitchen and called out “where’s my baby boy?”. When I didn’t get the expected result (“mommy’s home!!!”) I walked toward the living room and called again. Still no answer. I returned to Kevin and said “is Tyler outside with you?” Kevin said “he’s not in the living room?”. I walked into the living room. No Tyler. As I walked toward the bathroom, Tyler finally answered me with “mommy, I wash my hands!” He was so proud of himself, standing at the sink on his little stool, water on full blast with the drain closed, water just starting to pour out over the edges of the sink and on to the counter. “Oh, sweetie!” I said, not wanting to burst his bubble, “that’s great! but, uh, when the water gets to the top of the sink, you need to TURN IT OFF”
Disaster narrowly averted, we went upon our merry way. Later, as I was cooking dinner, my “mommy sense” started to tingle. (I think it was because things were too quiet all of a sudden). I went looking for Tyler, and again he was in the bathroom, on his stool, water on full blast with the drain closed, but this time… I did not make it in time. Water was pouring onto the counter, down off the counter, onto Tyler, the floor, the cabinet under the sink…. sigh….
I think this weekend we are going to have some lessons on how to use the sink properly (that was my mom’s idea, and a very good one, I think)