Where Does He Get This Stuff?

The funny thing about having Tyler in daycare is that sometimes he comes up with stuff that I figure he must have heard at daycare (or maybe on TV).  Over the weekend I had gotten Ty these things called “airblox” that you can build structure with.  Last night Tyler wanted to build a “tent”.  He grabbed one of the panels (which are as big as he is) and struggled with it for a minute before calling out to me:  “mommy, I need a hand!”.  Then this morning he was trying again to maneuver one of the panels, and said “can I get some help here?”.  🙂  I just sounds so incongruous, coming from a toddler.

After we had built the tent last night, Kevin, Ty and I were all inside of it.  Tyler got out and then bumped into one end of it, which started to fall over.  He then helped it fall over a little more, then a little more, until “oh no, the tent is collapsing!” (Tyler’s words).  I stuck my hand out through the opening and said “help, Tyler, I’m stuck under the tent!”.  He grabbed my hand and said, “I’ll save you,  mommy!”.  My hero! 🙂

Another random phrase that surprised me was when I was playing with Tyler recently and he stopped, looked up and said “oh, I have an idea!” and ran off into the kitchen.  I never did find out what his idea was, but the concept of an “idea” seems surprisingly sophisticated for a 2 1/2 yr old.

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