I realized yesterday that all of a sudden we are having actual conversations with Tyler. We’re not discussing philosophy yet, of course, but he is really starting to develop abstract ideas and some grasp of sentence structure and grammer. Here are some examples:
When I got back from the grocery store yesterday, upon seeing the grocery bags in the kitchen, Tyler asked me “what’s in the bags, mommy?” I told him it was groceries and he rubbed his hands together and said “ooooo…” and went and started rooting through the bags. (I guess he was hungry for breakfast!).
Tyler asked for crackers on the way home from daycare the other day. I told him I didn’t have any in the car, and he said “try, mommy, look and see!”
This morning he asked Kevin to stop at Kate’s (the little convenience store, owned by some friends of our’s, that is on the way to daycare). Kevin told him maybe mommy would stop with him this afternoon, but that he would have to ask me that. Tyler promptly told Kevin “call mommy, see!”.