Nice Day Together

Kevin went to a car show this morning with Dennis, leaving me and Ty to hang out for the morning.  After playing for a while, we got ready and went to Home Depot.  He was a very good boy, and accompanied me while I got what I needed.  After that, I took him to look at the mowers.  On the way to that part of the store, we happened to go down the aisle with the leaf blowers.  He wasn’t paying attention, and when he happened to look over that way he did a double-take and said “wait a minute!  blowers!!!!”  it was hysterical! 🙂

Then he spent some time climbing on the mowers and having a good time.  After a while we left and went to McDonald’s to get some “hash browns!”.  I was going to get it to go, but then I saw their play place and decided to eat there so tyler could play.  It was a long wait, and while we were waiting, we watched the fish in the tank they have.

After we ate, we went in to the play place.  There were a bunch of other kids there, most of them a little older than ty.  He still gets pretty shy, and I think, overwhelmed when older kids are around.  When he climbed up into the first level where the net was, his smile of triumph was so cool!  He called out to me “mommy, mommy, look!”  Later, he finally worked up the courage to climb to the next level, and of course just then a string of big kids decided to climb up through.  Poor ty got scared and crammed him self in the corner, crying.  One the little boys tried to show him how to go down the slide, but Ty was just too scared at that point.  So I climbed in and coaxed him down.  I thought he’d be totally traumatized, but after a minute at the table (and a few sips of apple juice) he was fine, and went back to playing! (although he didn’t attempt the second level again…).  So, all in all, we had a really nice time.

When we left, he turned around, looked toward the door to the play place and said “bye kids”.  The funny thing is, there was an old man sitting nearby in a booth, head down, reading a newspaper.  Without moving a muscle or even looking up, he replies “bye!”.  I almost cracked up laughing….

Later on in the evening, Ty was taking a bath and all of sudden looks up at me and says “mommy get in?  mommy get in please?”.  What can you do?  I had to get in.  On the rare occasion when I do get in with him I leave my bra and panties on.  so he takes his washcloth and starts “helping” me wash, narrating the whole thing.  He’d wash my face and say “wash mommy’s face” then my hands “wash mommy’s hands”, etc.  Then he rubs the washcloth across my bra and says “wash mommies boobies”.  Too funny! although I do worry that one of these days he’s going to start running around pointing at women’s chests and talking about their boobies…. I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it… 🙂

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