We took Tyler for an appointment with his allergist yesterday. We have been suspecting that he is outgrowing the milk allergy, but it will be nice to hear what the allergist has to say. Ty has had a couple of “accidents” at daycare, and drank some milk from another child’s sippy cup. We all held our breath, but nothing ever happened.
At the allergist, they did another skin test, and he did not react to the milk at all! Yay! So we are cleared to introduce milk now.
Tyler is such a sweet, sensitive boy. He always seems to worry about other kids and babies, especially if he hears them crying. While we were at the allergists, there was a baby in a room nearby that was crying. Tyler was so worried about the baby, he kept talking about it. We told him the doctor would take care of the baby. So when the doctor came in, he looked up at her and said “doctor! baby crying! see? out?” I guess he wanted to make sure she took care of the baby. What a little sweetheart!