Tyler and I had a nice time decorating the tree together. I tried to show him how to hang the ornaments, but he didn’t quite get the concept. I would give him a ball and tell him to hang it on the tree somewhere, and he would take it and cram it into an opening in the branches. waaaay into the opening. By the time we were done, most of the balls were crammed together in one small region of tree, right in close to the trunk. I left them there, though, because that’s where he put them! 🙂 For the other ornaments, I decided to take a different approach. I would ask him “where should we put this one?” and he would point and say “right dare!” so I would hang it in that general area.
Yesterday, Kevin and I decided it was time to “undecorate” the tree. I started the process while Tyler was in the living room playing. After a few minutes of taking off ornaments and putting them in their boxes, Tyler toddled out to see what I was up to. When he saw what I was doing, he ran over and got between me and the tree, waving his hands and saying “no, no, mommy, no!!”. He really didn’t want me to take off the ornaments! Eventually I convinced him that the ornaments had to go back into their boxes so they would stay safe until Christmas next year.