Just a few random snippets from the funfest that is life with a toddler.
– Be careful when your toddler manages to grab a toothpick and you instinctively say “give me that, you could put an eye out!”, because in his excitement to show you that he knows just where his eye is, he will send the hand holding the aforementioned toothpick hurtling straight for his eye, while saying “eye? eye?”. (yes, I was fast enough to intercept the toothpick before it got there – the heck with martial arts, having a toddler develops your reflexes faster than anything!)
– after endless rounds of “pop? pease? pop? pease?” I finally caved and gave Ty a freeze pop. He toddled away, saying “happy, happy, happy…”. It was totally worth it! 🙂
– never assume anything. most people would assume, when you put on a hat and it falls down over your eyes, that running full tilt across the kitchen would not be a wise idea. not so for the toddler. did you know that toddlers bounce off of kitchen cabinets like rubber balls? neither did we….
– did you know that laying on your belly with your arms and legs raised constitutes “flying”, and that it is endlessly funny to a toddler?