Yeah, ok, I couldn’t resist the bad joke… Tyler has started making up his own signs for words now! He had previously made up a sign for “ball”, which was an open hand held palm out. But the sign he made up for “pop” (as in freeze-pop), shows how much he is making connections between things. Ever since he was little, Tyler has been getting medicine from a plastic syringe. Now that he’s gotten older, he likes to play this game where, after having taken the medicine, he takes the syringe, and pulls the end out, which makes a “pop” noise. We laugh when he does this and say “oh, you made it pop”.
So now, he loves freeze-pops. One day when he wanted a freeze-pop, he started making a motion with his hands that looked like the motion you make to pull the syringe apart. He was also saying “pop? pop?” and staring up at the freezer. He had made up his own sign for freeze pop!