Man, did we ever have a nice weekend! On Saturday, we took Tyler to the lake and went swimming. He had a blast, playing “sploosh baby” with me (where I hold him under his arms and swing him up in the air, then splash down into the water), and even learning to float! I was supporting the back of his head, but otherwise he was floating all by himself. He thought that was the greatest. He just lay there in the water, bobbing and grinning like crazy. After he was done swimming, we all sat together on the blanket under the shade of a tree, Tyler eating dried cranberries and watching all the people, and Kevin and I watching Tyler. After that nice tranquil interlude, we went over the playground area and played for a while. Then we went home and grilled hamburgs and hotdogs. Nice!
Stay tuned for a post about the rest of the weekend, including the details of the “mud-puddle incident”…