Poor Tyler, about two weeks ago he got some dairy in his food at daycare and had a bad reaction to it. He ended up with bad diarrhea and a really bad rash on his butt. Poor little guy looked like a boiled lobster down there. He couldn’t even sit comfortably. That weekend, we were applying the butt paste very liberally, but every time I had to wipe his butt after a poop, he just screamed and screamed. One time Kevin tried to distract him by running the ball popper. That didn’t work until it fell over and started blowing on Tyler’s nether region. He instantly stopped crying, eyes big with surprise, and then just started grinning like crazy! It was absolutely hysterical! Apparently it felt reallllly good. 🙂 On another occasion after that, Tyler jumped up as I was changing him, ran over the recliner (buck naked) and lifted his leg to try to get up on the recliner. I grabbed the ball popper and again directed the air towards his bottom. He froze in place, leg lifted halfway up, again with a big happy grin on his face…
Of course, now we have created a monster. When Tyler is getting a diaper change, if he happens to see the ball popper, he wants to have the air on his butt. But really, who could blame him? Who doesn’t like to feel the cool breeze on their bare butt? 🙂