Tyler sure is taking on new words at an increasing rate! His first few recognizable words were daddy (da-eee), mama, kitty (ke-eee), juice, no, piggies, and shoes. He also knew the signs for hungry/eat and cookie. Now, he knows a lot of words that we have been teaching him, as well as some that he just picked up on his own. After I got back from the store yesterday, I had a plastic container of blueberries sitting on the counter. Tyler saw it, went over and pointed to it and said “blues? blues?” (actually it sounded more like “boos, boos”) I didn’t even know he knew the word for blueberries! We really need to start watching our language now, he is just soaking it up like a sponge.
Other words he has now include ball, bottle, milk (also the sign for milk), piece, the sign for cereal, more and the sign for more, hi and bye.