After several accidents at daycare with wheat, (Tyler got someone’s cracker one day, a cookie on another day), and no noticeable reaction, we decided to start trailiing wheat this week. Here is what he had:
6/15 – 2 pcs white toast in the morning, 1/2 pc white bread at lunch
6/16 – 4 saltines
6/17 – handful of gerber’s puffs
6/18 – 1/2 pc bread
6/19 – part of a rice krispy treat, chicken mcnuggets (both had milk in them — bad reaction!) diarrhea and really bad diaper rash that lasted until Saturday night. we think it was the dairy in the rice krispy treat and mcnuggets that caused the reaction (we hope); we are going to try wheat again next week, but be very careful about dairy and see how he does.