
I don’t know if this would fall under the category of mimicry or developing imagination, but whatever you call it, it was darn cute.  Ever since Tyler was a baby, he has been getting medicine twice a day.  First it was Prilosec for his reflux, now it is Zyrtec for his allergies.  The medicines are flavored liquids, and delivered with a plastic medicine syringe (which also doubles as a fun toy).  Tyler is now old enough, that he knows the routine.  I fill up a syringe with medicine, he comes over with mouth opened wide, like a baby bird.  Most times I don’t even have to push the plunger anymore, he just sucks the medicine right out.

Lately, after he finishes the medicine, he has been taking the syringe from me and playing with it.  He pulls the plunger out, tries to put it back in, etc.  Then, a few days ago, he took the syringe and went in to the living room.  He sat down on the floor next to his stuffed hippo, Henrietta, put the syringe up to her mouth, and started making a sucking noise!  OMG, I almost fell off the couch in surprise and laughter, he was giving medicine to his stuffed animals!  To make it even cuter, he then proceeded to go around to each of the stuffed animals in the living room, giving each one some “medicine”.  🙂

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