Tyler is just full of funny little quirks. It’s one of the great things about watching him get older and develop such a personality. Lately, he has been in a “everything is a hat” phase. By which I mean, everything he picks up, at one point or another, will end up on his head. Cereal bowls (see previous post), stuffed animals, random pieces of clothing, pots and pans, pieces of paper, etc. my current favorite: shovel-fulls of sand from the sandbox. (There have been a few days where I’ve pretty much just stripped him down outside in the yard. I really don’t need a mini-beach in front of my bathtub…) Still, the “everything on the head” routine is pretty funny at times. Like a few days ago, when he picked up his pajamas, draped them over his head (including his eyes) and dashed around the living room until he collided with the diaper genie… 🙂
Another strange quirk he has lately is his tendency to eat toilet paper. Not just any paper, mind you, just toilet paper. Apparently whenever he wanders into the bathroom and sees the roll hanging there, it is like a ripe piece of fruit begging to be picked and enjoyed. Our toilet paper holder is the kind that the roll just slips on, so it is easy for him to get it off. He will “pluck” his forbidden fruit and take a nice big juicy bite out of the side. Then he sticks out his tongue, makes a face and gives me a look that says “WHY did you let me just do that?!? That tastes nasty!”
Think I’m kidding? check out the photographic evidence: