And Baby Makes Three: One Year On

Wow, what a year.

The ups, the downs, what a roller-coaster ride it has been.  I thought it would be a good idea to stop and reflect a little bit on this past year.

First, the absolutely amazing transformation that Tyler has undergone in one short year.  He started out, our little black-haired “eskimo baby”.  Sleeping, eating and pooping.  Occasionally opening his eyes and staring, but unable to even focus his eyes completely.  No control over his arms or legs, and totally driven by his most basic instincts.

By three months along, he could roll over, hold his head up and sit with support.  We had fought a nasty case of cradle cap, and alot of his hair had fallen out.

By six months, his hair had started growing back in, this time a much lighter brown.  He was sitting up by himself, smiling and laughing and had two teeth.  We also had a diagnosis of eczema and multiple food allergies.

Jump forward to his first birthday.  He walked, all by himself, over to his highchair to have dinner.  This, after using the hand sign for “eat” that we taught him, to let us know that he was hungry.  We then gave him his dairy, egg and wheat-free cupcake to celebrate his first birthday.  He knows who mommy and daddy are, he knows where his belly is, and he knows that mommy making quacking noises like a duck is completely hysterical.  He has a sense of humor, and his own distinct personality.  He has likes and dislikes, and will watch what you do and try to mimic it.  I just can’t seem to find the right words to describe just how incredibly amazing, not to mention endlessly fascinating, this whole process has been, and continues to be.

I can’t wait to see what the next year will bring…


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