9-Month Checkup

Tyler had his 9-month checkup yesterday.  It went well, he is now 21.1 pounds and 30″ tall!  The doctor said he looked really good, and is on track development-wise.  He had to have blood drawn (via a finger stick) for  standard anemia and lead tests.  They distracted him from the finger stick by giving him a tongue depressor with two round stickers on the end (picture a lollipop).  It worked, and he never cried at all.  Apparently the stickers looked appetizing, because on the way home I saw him in the mirror making his “I just ate something and I’m not sure I like it” face.  He must have decided he liked it after all, because when I got home there were several bites taken out of it, and he had little  bits of sticker stuck to his face!

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