I love watching Tyler learn and figure things out. One day last week I was getting some oatmeal ready for him, and he saw the open canister. I let him reach inside and play with the oatmeal. He grabbed a handful, and used his empty hand to pry open the hand with the oatmeal flakes in it. (This is what he does when he’s eating oatios, he will scoop it up with one hand, pry that hand open with his other hand, and get the oatio out that way.) But when he’d open up the hand with the oatmeal, it would all sift out between his fingers and his hand would be empty. It was so funny to see his surprise each time, because he was expecting something to be there and it wasn’t. Then he’d go back for another handful, and you could see him starting to work it out, how to hold the oatmeal so it didn’t fall out of his hand right away.
Then this morning, he was standing up in front of one of the kitchen cabinets. He grabbed ahold of the knob, and tried to pull it open, but he was standing in front so it only opened about an inch. He tried a few times, then sat down and tried to open it by using his hand to grab the side of the door. He was still blocking the door, though, and could only get it open about four or five inches. After pulling on it a few more times, he realized he had to move out of the way, then finally he got it open the whole way. He was so proud of himself! It was so cute, once he got the door open he was so excited, and started grabbing potatos and pulling them out. I love watching him learn how to do things! 🙂