Flat Tire + Cranky Baby = No Fun

I got a chance to verify this equation yesterday.  Tyler and I had run up to Nashua on an errand, and ended up heading back toward home sooner than I anticipated, because he was getting cranky for some reason.  (I’m not sure why, because he had had a nap and a bottle before we left).

Anyway, on the highway I started to feel a vibration in the car, then all of a sudden I hear that lovely “thump-thump-thump-thump” sound of a flat tire.  crap.  I know how to change a tire, but the baby was already fussing, and I didn’t want to end up with me struggling along the side of the road trying to change a tire while he sits screaming and confused in the back seat.

So I called AAA.  “Are you in a safe location?” asks the lady at AAA, as yet another 18-wheeler rushes by, rocking the car back and forth from the force of the wind.  “uh… no.” I tell her.  “ok, we’ll put you on priority, someone should be there soon”.  45 minutes later, the guy shows up.  45 minutes of trying to keep the baby distracted from the fact he is still just sitting, strapped in the car seat, when he has been telling me in no uncertain terms that he Wants OUT!  I pulled out all the stops and went into full baby entertainer mode, which let me tell you, is no easy feat to keep up for 45 minutes straight.  We’re talking funny faces, peekaboo games, funny noises, goofy songs, digging through the car for new and interesting makeshift toys, you name it.

By the time the AAA guy arrived, I was wearing out fast.  Thankfully he had the tire changed in record time and we were on our way.  In hindsight, I guess we were lucky it was “only” 45 minutes, because Ken had a flat tire a few days later and ended up waiting almost two hours for his AAA guy!

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