Apple Picking

We all went apple picking today, at Parlee Farms in Tyngsboro.  What a blast!  Apparently apple picking is a huge event, because there must have been over a hundred cars in the parking area.  But thankfully it never really felt too crowded there.  We started out with a hayride out to the orchard, then spent some time walking among the trees and picking apples.

After we hopped a hayride back to the main entrance, we went into the petting zoo to see the animals.  They have this neat setup for the goats, where they can climb a ramp to a platform up in trees.  You can fill little buckets with food and winch them up to the goats, who eat the food up there on the platform.  The older kids who were there were getting a big kick out of feeding the goats in the trees.  I hope they still have that when Tyler gets a little bigger.

Tyler seemed to really enjoy himself, watching all the people, riding the hayride, walking among the trees and seeing all the animals in the petting zoo.  He was full of wide-eyed wonder the whole time.  It is so much fun to take him places and watch him experience so much new stuff.

And, it turns out that Tyler loves apples!  Kevin would bite into the apple for him, then offer him some.  Tyler would suck on the apple, and try to scrape off little bites with what few teeth he has.  On the ride back from the orchard, I got some video of him sitting on Aunt Brenda’s lap, eating an apple and waving his foot in the air.  Too cute! (Check out the video below)


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