Eeek, Little Daredevil

Hmm… so I am thinking that my level of fear rises proportionately to Tyler’s level of fearlessness.  We were playing on the floor in the living room, when he decided to crawl out to the kitchen to see Daddy.  On the way there, he goes past the stairs to the second floor.  He stops, crawls over the stairs and pulls himself up to stand with his hands on the first step.  He cranes his head waaaay back and looks up the stairs.  Now, where most babies would probably look at stairs as a huge and scary obstacle, my little Indiana Jones apparently just looks at it as a challenge.  He puts his hands on the second stair, and starts to put his knee up onto the first step.  He was going to go for it!  When he first got to the stairs, I had moved behind him but was waiting to see what he was going to do.  I didn’t think he would actually try to climb the stairs!  Somehow I see many, many more gray hairs in my future…

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