Tyler had his 6-month checkup today. The doctor seemed pleased with his progress, his height (28″), weight (18.5 lbs) and head circumference (43 cm) are all following the growth chart the way they should. She also remarked on how his skin looks much better than the last time she saw him. He got the second half of his polio vaccine (I think that’s what it was), which is a (apparently) yummy liquid (yay!) and got three shots (boo!). He is so good when getting shots, though. He’ll cry, of course, when the nurse gives him the shots, but as soon as she’s done and I pick him up, he stops crying and is fine. What a little trooper!
I think the drink is for the rotovirus, not polio. The polio was probably one of the shots.
Shots stink!
(Are you back dating these, because I only saw this one today – 9/15)
I even have trouble watching them give him the shots 🙁
Yeah, I have been back dating the posts, trying to catch up but still keep the actual times when things happened.