We left Children’s Hospital yesterday around 4 o’clock, and were almost immediately stuck in traffic. Of course, that’s when the baby decided he had had enough of that day, and started to have a meltdown. Thankfully, he eventually fell asleep. He didn’t wake up until we were about 10 minutes from home, and I just happened to be glancing back at him in the mirror when he woke up. I swear the look on his face said “oh my god I am STILL in the car!! for the love of god when are we going to be home!!?!” At which point he promptly decided to voice his displeasure in no uncertain terms. He doesn’t understand “we’re almost home, sweetie”, so we needed to try something else. Kevin tried a trick that worked once before — he started singing “the booby songs”. This consists of Kevin singing various tunes (Deck the Halls, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Pink Floyd’s “Money”, anything that comes to mind) with nothing but the words “boob” and “booby”. Don’t ask me why, or how this occurred to him, I suppose it must be a guy thing. I have stopped trying to figure them out. But, the surprise is that it works! When Kevin would sing, the baby would quiet down, and he would cry again every time Kevin would stop.
Of course, you’d most likely be correct to point out that singing anything would probably have worked, but let me tell you – you haven’t lived until you’ve heard the theme song to Bonanza sung entirely with the words “boob” and “booby”. The mental image brought to mind strikes me hysterically funny for some reason… 🙂