
We figured out something about Tyler on Sunday.  After he had been up for awhile, he was getting cranky and ready for a nap.  We laid him on the living room floor but he just kept rolling around all over the place and wouldn’t settle down enough to sleep.  We could see that he was tired, he just couldn’t get himself settled.  Then Kevin made the comment that at Priscilla’s, when she puts him down for a nap she puts him in a playpen.   Kevin and I looked at each other and wondered if that was the problem.  So we took the changing station off the pack-n-play, put in a sheet and plopped him in the there.  As soon as we got him in there and handed him Woof-Woof to cuddle, he was out like a light!  So apparently he needs to feel contained in order to settle down and sleep…


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