Four-month Checkup

Tyler had his four-month checkup yesterday (complete with immunization shots, ouch!).  The doctor is going to have us change him to a super-specialized formula called EleCare, which is as hypoallergenic as it gets.  She said that way we can get to a baseline from which the allergist can work, eliminating as much problematic stuff as possible.  She said all of the cultures and tests showed negative for bacterial or viral elements, so apparently it was just a coincidence that Kevin and I got sick last weekend.  He also didn’t gain any weight since his last visit (a week or two ago) but she is not super worried about that, since he doesn’t seem to be dehydrated  (which is the big worry with ongoing diarrhea).  They seem kind of stumped about the diarrhea, and she told us to keep the appointment with the gastroenterologist on July 11th.

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