Allergy Test Results

Well, if the allergy blood test results are to be believed (and there is some question as to whether they should be believed), Tyler is allergic to all kinds of things – milk, wheat, eggs, nuts and shellfish.  Shellfish?!?  He’s never even been exposed to shellfish, even when I was breastfeeding,  so how on earth is he allergic to it?  His doctor said she and the other pediatricians at the office “panicked a little” when they got the results, because they have never seen a child so young be allergic to so many things.  She said they consulted with a specialist at children’s hospital who told them that the blood test is not always terribly accurate, so not to worry too much right now.  They don’t do skin testing until the child is at least 6 months old, so I guess for now we are kind of in a holding pattern in regards to his allergies.  He does seem to be doing better on the Nutramigen, so the plan is just to keep him on that until he is old enough for further testing.

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