The surgery was successful!!! It was a long and very draining day. they told us they would call after the surgery and lets us know how it went. Time just seemed to drag on forever. I was getting more and more worried and freaking out. Last Wednesday when Jagger’s lump split and we ran him to the emergency room at Angell, Kevin was the one freaking out and I was calm and steady. Today our roles were definitely reversed! Kevin was my rock today and I don’t know if I would have made it without him. I kept going back in and bugging the receptionists about news for Jagger. *finally* got a nice receptionist that didn’t give me the standard “they’ll call when they can” brushoff and who actually paged the doctor to ask. The doctor came on the phone and basically said “oh, yeah he’s fine, sorry I got busy and forgot to call” argggg!!! She did say that there were a few dodgy minutes when his blood pressure started dropping, but they were able to tweak his anesthesia and get him stabilized.
When the poor little guy came out, he looked a mess. He was shaved in so many places, the chest and leg (of course) but also his side (for the medication patch) and spots on all four legs (for the IV and various other monitors). And the poor little fellow was sooo stoned! That medication had him so loopy, I sat with him in the back seat on the way home because I was afraid if we hit the brakes too hard he would topple right off the seat, he was that out of it. But he is ok! The vet at Angell said they would send a sample of the lump out for biopsy, but she said they were able to get a clear margin all around (although not quite as much as they usually take, because of where it was located). They will call us once they have the results.