Deer in the Headlights

Here is a post I had written and posted on Jagger’s blog, relating how I found out I was pregnant:

Oh my god, I’m 36 years old and yesterday I found out I’m pregnant! Holy crap. I have no idea what to do. We weren’t planning on this, it just happened. Looking back at the calendar, we are almost positive that it happened on June 9th. Actually, this explains the way I’ve been feeling lately. For the last week I have been so extremely exhausted that I said to Kevin the other day that if I don’t feel better soon I am going to go to the doctor because this level of exhaustion just isn’t normal. Plus, Friday was day 28 waiting for my period (a little longer than normal, which for me is about 25 days). I didn’t think too much of that, because sometimes I do go the whole 28 days. But then Saturday night Kevin and I were walking through Home Depot and all of a sudden I felt so sick I thought I was going to throw up right there in the aisle. That’s when it all clicked and I had an “oh, my god” moment. First thing yesterday morning we went and bought a pregnancy test and the rest, as they say, is history….

I have stopped taking all of my medications, because I don’t know what is safe and what is not. Kevin said when I came outside with the results of the pregnancy test, I had that “deer in the headlights” look on my face. No wonder. I had just seen the 18 wheeler of life of barreling down on me…..

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