Sometimes when you hear your own words from your child’s mouth, you cringe (think curse words) but sometimes they say something that just melts your heart. Ty and I were playing in the living room yesterday. I was sitting on the floor and he was standing next to me. All of a sudden he reached out, stroked my hair, and said “awwww… you’re my sweetie!”. 🙂 After I re-formed from the melted pile of mommy goo I had become, I told him he was my best sweetie, too.
Then, later we were outside playing in the snow. We have gotten more snow in the past three weeks than we did all of last year. (and more on the way this week…). Ty and I climbed the “mountain” of snow in the yard (which is about 8 feet high at this point, from Kevin plowing the driveway into the yard). As we climbed, Ty told me, “mommy, we climb the most humongous mountain I ever seen!”. At the top, we started throwing snowballs at each other, and when Ty hit me I said “aaah, you knocked me off the mountain” and I rolled down the snow pile into the snow below. He thought this was absolutely hysterical, so of course I did it again. 🙂
After that we tromped through the snow for awhile, then ended up on the swing. The snow was deep enough that we had to plow a groove in it in order to swing. I was pushing him from the front, when all of a sudden he looked up at me, smiled and said “this is the best winter ever!” Looking at his little smiling face and shining eyes, I couldn’t help but agree.