Tyler’s second birthday! It’s hard to believe another year has rolled around. He’s talking up a storm now. He’s had his first haircut (sniff, sniff — I loved his shaggy locks and little curls!) and he’s been cleared for dairy! Barb and Dave came out to celebrate our little man’s second birthday.
Kevin got Tyler a kid-sized wheelbarrow, shovel and rake. I wrapped all the other presents and piled them in to the wheelbarrow and wheeled them out, along with the balloons I had bought. One of the balloons was Curious George, and when Ty saw his his eyes went wide and said “look! George up there!!”
The birthday boy
It’s George! Eating a “banna”!
His very own shovel…
…and wheelbarrow!
A sit-n-spin from Uncle Ken
Daddy wearing Tyler’s hard-hat
Play-doh! One of Ty’s favorite things
Playing with the Play-doh
Tyler, tooting his own horn
Wheee! Wheelbarrow rides!
Tyler and mommy
Blowing out the candles
Mommy, Tyler and Daddy
Using his new shovel…
…and wheelbarrow