When I got home from work yesterday, Kevin and Tyler were already home. (Kathy is on vacation this week). Apparently Tyler was asking for me, and they were outside waiting for me when I pulled in the driveway. Tyler said “mommy, come see the plants!” He and Kevin had planted a bush in the yard, and he was so proud of himself because he helped.
After he showed me the bush, he looked at me and said “mommy, would you like to play Go Hide and Seek with me?”. I told him that I would love to play Go Hide and Seek with him, and he said “yay! I’ll be the counter!” 🙂
He loves playing hide and seek, although he doesn’t entirely get the concept. When we played yesterday, he started counting, got to three and then ran after me (I hadn’t even gotten around the corner of the house yet), still counting while he ran after me. Then, this afternoon we were outside playing, and he said “mommy, I want to play hide and seek, and hide in those bushes over there”.