Monday – New State, More New Friends!

On Monday morning, Kevin, Tyler and I left Kathy’s and headed up to Kevin’s mom’s house in Pennsylvania.  There Tyler got to meet some more new people.  Then Tyler and I left to go up to my brother’s house, farther up in Pennsylvania.  Kevin stayed behind, to visit with his mom and join us on Tuesday.  It was the first time that he had been away from Tyler for a whole night!  Once Tyler and I got to my Ken’s house, some very dear family friends came over to visit.  My mom’s best friend Diane, her daughter Kelsey, and Kelsey’s daughter Lily all came over to visit.  Lily is 1 year old, and watching the interactions between Lily and Tyler was pretty cute.  Watching Lily also gave me a sneak peek at what will be coming down the pike with Tyler in the next six months.  I find that I am both looking forward to, and scared of, the notion of him being mobile… 🙂


Tyler and his new toy

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