Boy, do kids ever learn fast. He showed us that he knows what presents are. Christmas morning when we came downstairs and he saw them under the tree, he shouted “PRESENTS!” and ran straight for them. 🙂
Oooo, I wonder what’s in here?
A new train!
C’mon daddy, let me have it already!
Trying out the new trains
Later in the day, we drove out to see the Sutherlands. Of course, Tyler got some more presents! I guess it’s hard for anyone to not spoil the boy… 🙂
A new power wheels quad!
Silly daddy, you’re too big!
Testing out the new quad
The obligatory family photo by the fridge
After we spent some time at Barb & Dave’s, we all went up to Jenny and Wendy’s house, way out in the hinterlands of western Mass. 🙂 It’s really beautiful up there.
Tyler really got a kick out of Jenny’s jack-in-the-box, and even though he knew it was coming, he would jump every time the jack popped out:
Tyler doing a little jumping of his own.
Opening one of his presents.
At home, playing with the other present he got, a plastic razor kit. He thought it was great that he could “shave” just like daddy.