Tyler and I have fallen into a routine this summer. More often than not, if it is nice out, we stop on the way home at Kate’s and get popsicles. We sit outside on the bench, click them together and say “cheers!”. It’s a really nice way to start to unwind and spend a little time with Ty. It also gives me a chance to talk to him, or rather, listen to him talk. It is so funny sometimes, the stuff he comes up with.
Yesterday day we stopped for popsicles, but it was kind of late so we couldn’t sit on the bench to eat them, we had to eat them in the car on the way home. During the ride, I listened to this conversation:
Ty: “mommy, I want to share my popsicle with Jumpy” (Jumpy is the squirrel on Curious George)
Me: “that would be nice”
Ty: (in a falsetto, I guess meant to be Jumpy’s voice) “thank you Tyler”
Ty/Jumpy: “what are you doing, Tyler?”
Ty: “going home. would you like to come to my house, Jumpy?”
Ty/Jumpy: “ummm… yes, Tyler!”
Ty: “mommy, can Jumpy come to my house”
Me: “of course, he is welcome anytime”
Ty: “yes, Jumpy, you can come”
I’ve heard him hold two-sided conversations several times in the past week or two. It is fascinating to listen to…