Take it off, Daddy, Take it off!!

Tyler has always reveled in being naked. It is so fun to watch him just tear around the house in the buff, yelling “nakeys! nakeys!” and waving his arms in the air. I also admire the toddler’s complete and utter lack of self-consciousness.

We also have this ongoing joke that started one day when I pulled off Tyler’s pants to change his diaper. Kevin happened to come in, saw Tyler in his diaper, and said “hey, you lost your pants!” Ty thought this was hilarious, and now any someone takes off an article of clothing, he’ll say “you lost your shirt!” or “you lost your socks!”, etc…

One day last week Ty was sitting in Kevin’s recliner and out of the blue, randomly announces “I want to lose my shirt”. I said ok, go ahead. After a moment he follows up with the proclamation “I want to be naked!”. So I told him to go for it. As he was running around naked, Kevin had decided to put on his lounge pants and was down to his underwear in the bathroom. Tyler races in, says “daddy lost his pants!” then points to Kevin’s underpants and says “take it off, daddy, take it off!”. I didn’t help matters, because I was doubled over with laughter, going “yeah daddy, take it off, wooooo!!” 🙂

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