not quite yet, but he is definietly on his way. he will now tells us when he has pooped (he’ll grab his butt and say “butt? poop?”. once or twice he has actually told us before hand, but we thought he meant he had already gone.
He is also fascinated by peeing. When Kevin is peeing, he will cram his head around the side of Kevin’s leg, look up at him and giggle as Kevin pees. (poor Kevin is starting to get a complex). He will also request my performance. He will pat the toilet seat and say “mama? sit?”. If I sit down and pee, he just breaks out in a huge grin like it is the best trick in the world.
Last week we bought him a little potty seat insert, and he likes to sit on it and pretend to pee. Last night while he was in the bath he started getting that look on his face, and he said “butt?”. I asked him if he had to poop and he said “yes”. I said “do you want to sit on the potty and poop?” he said yes again, so I picked him up and put him on there. it was hysterical, because the sat there and pushed, just like he was trying to poop! but in the end (yes, pun intended) nothing came out. But he definitely has the right idea!