Butt, Butt

Tyler now knows where his butt is.  When he was on the trampoline at Kathy’s, she told him to jump up and land on his butt.  He sat down, rolled backwards and grabbed his tush!  I didn’t even know he knew what/where his butt was.

So a few days ago he had a fever.  I changed his diaper and checked his temperature, then laid the thermometer on the couch.  Usually, I am very good about quickly picking up the thermometer and putting it away.  (Because the last thing I want is him grabbing it and putting it in his mouth, ewww…..).  But I got distracted and before I know it, he grabs the thermometer, reaches around and starts tapping himself on the back of his diaper with it, saying “butt, butt”.  After nearly falling over from laughter, I took the thermometer from him and told him, “yes, sweetie, the thermometer goes in your butt to take your temperature”.  Just when you think their antics can’t get any funnier, they start to talk!

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