I’m getting so tired of picking up Tyler’s food off the floor. He’s in a phase right now where if he is done with something or doesn’t want it, he will just drop it over the side of his highchair and on to the floor. I haven’t figured out yet how to teach him not to do this, especially when he does it very specifically on purpose. Last night at dinner he kept doing it, and at one point I found myself having the following conversation:
Tyler: sitting in his highchair, arm extended out with a piece of food in his hand
Me: “don’t you dare. no throwing food!”
Tyler: looking directly in to my eyes, drops the food
Me: “as soon as Mommy figures out what she’s supposed to do about that, you’re in big trouble, buster!”
Kevin: snort-snort, cough-cough (choking on his food as he tries to keep from laughing)