Molars, lots of molars

What a night last night.  Poor Tyler, he is cutting *three* teeth at the same time right now.  I am assuming they are his one-year molars coming in.  He woke up around 10:30, screaming and crying.  We gave him some motrin, and then a bottle.  He went back to sleep for about 45 minutes, then woke up again, screaming and crying.  I didn’t know what to do, since he had just had the motrin and bottle, and that has always worked in the past.  First I sat in the glider and rocked him.  He started to fall asleep and I put him back in the crib, which immediately led to a new round of spazzing.  I tried again (another 20-30 minutes of rocking), and the same result.

Desperate now, I tried taking him with me into our bed.  that almost worked.  But every time he’d move around, I think he would get confused because he wasn’t in his crib, and he would lift his head and look around in a daze.  so it was back to the glider.  another round of “almost asleep but spazzed as soon as he touched the crib mattress” and I had to take a break.  I walked downstairs intending to wake Kevin (who manages to sleep through all this, despite the monitor downstairs being turned all the way up).  So I sat on the couch for a few minutes, my heart being ripped out by the screams and cries of my child.  Then – it happened — silence!  I held my breath… nothing.  Complete silence.  Could it be?  Is that what he needed, he just needed to spazz for a few minutes before he would calm down and drift off??  YES!  I snuck up after another minute of two and he was out, sound asleep.  Lesson learned – the experts are right, a few minutes of crying won’t do any permanent damage, and will save your sanity!

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