Little Things

I just wanted to get a post in here with some comments about the little things.  Over the last few weeks, we have noticed that Tyler has begun mimicking our actions.  He’ll take any object roughly the size of a phone and hold it up to his ear as if it is a phone.  He has also begun pointing at things that interest him, and waving “bye-bye” more consistently.  Oh, and he also attempts to brush his hair, holding up the hairbrush to his head, although it’s usually backwards. 🙂  He has also learned to throw things, although I use the term loosely, because more often than not he lets go when his arm is above his head and whatever it is he’s throwing drops behind him.  Still, it is really cute to watch. 🙂

He’s completely given up his morning bottle in favor of oatmeal and fruit, and has been frequently returning from daycare with two bottles left.  He seems to be weaning himself!  He likes drinking out of a sippy cup, and does pretty good with it now.

Right now some of his favorite toys are things with buttons to push, preferably things that light up and make noise.  He adores Henrietta (his stuffed hippo), and I’ll often see him sitting on the floor “talking” to her and cuddling her.

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