Tyler and I were home by ourselves today. Kevin was out plowing,
yet another 6″ of snow having fallen during the night. After chasing
the “todd” around for awhile playing “let’s get mommy” and then “let’s
get baby”, I was ready for a break. Thankfully, Tyler is young enough
that me lying on my side on the floor while he plays (and attempts to
eat various toys) counts as entertaining to him.
After a while, Tyler toddled over and pulled up my shirt in order to
inspect my belly button. (He does random belly-button security checks
when someone is on the floor with him…). All of a sudden he leans
over, and attempts to blow a “fart” on my side! Kevin has been trying
to teach him this trick, and this was the first time Tyler has tried it. Not
only was it extremely funny, but it tickled like crazy! I burst out
laughing hysterically, which caused him to jump back, his eyes wide
as saucers, and look at me like “what? what?!?”, which caused me to
laugh harder. Tyler, realizing my laughter was a good thing, also
started laughing, which of course set me off again. It went on like
that for some time, until I was so out of breath from laughing, I
thought I was going to pass out! 🙂