Eek, What is That?!

ok, I was pretty freaked out when I changed Tyler’s diaper this morning.  He didn’t sleep well last night, waking up a few times and giving a little yell before going back to sleep.  Then this morning he woke up at 4:30 and was wide awake and crying.  Kevin and I decided to give him a bottle and then see if he would go back to sleep.  He drank the whole bottle, and I thought I smelled poop, but I decided to lay him back down and see if he would fall asleep.  He did, but about fifteen minutes later he woke up shrieking.  When I went to change his diaper, I saw he had a huge blister on the end of his ding-dong.  Poor little guy, no wonder he didn’t sleep well!  I took him to the doctor and she said it happens to little boys sometimes, it’s basically just a friction blister from rubbing in his diaper, and it’s nothing to worry about as long as it doesn’t get infected.  It did seem to look a lot better this evening.

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