Ok, I’m a bad mommy… I feel kind of guilty laughing about this, but he was fine and it was so darn funny looking. We have had one of the baby gates just sitting against the wall in the hallway. It has a sort of honeycomb shape to it, just perfect for little hands to grab. Last week he had grabbed it, and it toppled over on to him. It’s not heavy, so it didn’t hurt him, but it freaked him out and he started crying. (I found out later this morning that he had done it once more after that, when Kevin was watching him. You’d think we would have moved it out of the hall, but no that would make too much sense….). Anyway, this morning before I could stop him, he did it again, but somehow he managed to end of face down on the floor, spread-eagled with his arms and legs splayed out, with the gate on top of him. I swear he looked like a fly under a giant flyswatter! It was so hysertical looking, I picked him up to comfort him (he only squawked a little, I guess after the third time he realizes it doesn’t hurt him), but I just kept laughing at the image. bad, bad, mommy….