We are lucky, Tyler loves taking a bath. But now that he’s older (and taller) you have to watch him like a hawk because his favorite game right now is the old “drop-the-toy-in-the-water-and-lean-over- the-edge-of-the-tub-to-try-to-reach-it-and-almost-fall-in-every-time” game.
Of course, this game doesn’t even actually require water, as we found out this morning. Kevin was brushing his teeth at the sink, and Tyler was at the tub, playing his game sans water. Next thing I know, Kevin says “Missy, Tyler just fell into the tub!” I didn’t see him actually go ass-over-teakettle into the tub, when I got in there he was standing in the tub with that shocked “what just happened?” look on his face. He wasn’t hurt at all, so it was hard to keep from laughing at his flabbergasted expression. 🙂
These pics are from one of his baths last week: