Kinda Human

Watching a child grown and learn can be incredibly fascinating.  It’s an interesting look at how someone learns things, processes them, then makes mental leaps to organize information and come to conclusions.  Case in point, the following tidbit that Tyler told me the other day:

Ty: “mama, did you know humans are from the same evolutionary branch as monkeys and apes?”

Me: “really?”

Ty: “yeah, there’s monkeys, then apes, cavemen, kinda-humans, and humans”

I’m not sure which part was the neatest – that he said “evolutionary branch”, that he knows that monkeys and apes are not the same thing, or his mental train of evolution, including the fact that there was something between “cavemen” and “humans”, even if he didn’t know what it was called.  Like I said, fascinating. 🙂


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