Random Tidbits

Ty surprised me by spitting out some factoid that I didn’t know he knew.  I said “wow, you’re just soaking stuff up like a sponge”.  he replied “yeah, that’s why my head is so fat, ’cause I keep so much stuff in there!”


We were talking about marrying and babies and having kids.  Tyler informed me that when he grew up, he was going to marry his best friend Crispin.  I told him that when he grows up, if that’s what he and Crispin want to do, that’s fine.  (Isn’t awesome that we live in a day and age where I can say that?  I am so happy that our society has come so far).   I asked him if they would have kids, and Ty said yes, but “Crispin can do the baby stuff”.  It’s unclear if meant making the baby, taking care of the baby, or what.   🙂

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