First Dentist Visit

Ty had his first visit to the dentist today.  He did great!  I had my teeth cleaned first, and he watched.  When my gums bled a little he asked the hygenist “what is that red stuff in my mom’s mouth?”  She hesitated and said, “uhh… it”s just some uh… gum flavored stuff”.  He accepted that, but about 10 minutes later he piped up “when you said that red stuff was gum flavored stuff, did you mean because it has pieces of her gums in it?”.  Wow, seriously, that is surprisingly astute for a 6 year old. 🙂

When it was Ty’s turn, he was ok with everything.  In fact, he seemed to love the little suction thing that suctions the water out of your mouth.  The hygenist had to keep telling him “ok, Ty, you can let go of that now” because he wouldn’t let go of it with his mouth.   The big surprise of the visit was that he already has two of his permanent 6-year molars in, and a 3rd partially in!  We had no idea, but now we are wondering if some of the incidents of cranky-and-out-of-sorts over the last few months may have been because these molars coming in.

Overall, a very good visit!

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